7 Basic Digital Marketing Tactics That Belong in Every Company’s Toolbox

Digital channels are key drivers of marketing success. Whether a marketing team aims to build brand awareness, drive new customers to the website, or engage with stakeholders, digital channels will play a prominent role in most marketing strategies. These seven basic digital marketing tactics can help teams move their companies closer to their goals.

1. Websites

A website, of course, is the virtual front door for just about every business. Customers, prospective customers, and stakeholders all find their way to a company’s website. After all, that’s where marketing tactics such as SEO, social media, and email will send them. A website introduces visitors to a company’s brand, so marketers must ensure the website creates the right first impression and provides the information visitors want.

2. Email

Email remains one of the most valuable tools available to marketing teams for two reasons: it’s inexpensive, and it can deliver a message to people who already have expressed interest in a company or its products. Whether someone has bought a product, downloaded a tool or ebook, or responded to a survey, if they took the time to engage, they show promise as a new or recurring customer. With an engaging subject line and a well-crafted message targeted to the right persona, email can give marketing teams a great return on investment.

3. SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a cornerstone of digital marketing. When someone searches for a term relevant to a business or product, marketers need to ensure their website is among the top organic search results. Depending on the search term, it can be challenging to earn a high rank. For example, with a Google search for “best travel walking shoes,” four ads appear at the top of the page, leaving room for only three organic search results below them.

4. Search engine marketing

Search engine marketing (SEM) usually takes the form of pay-per-click (PPC) ads, which appear at the top of a user’s screen when they search for a word or phrase. Marketers choose specific keywords and pay when a user clicks on the ad. For example, that search for “best travel walking shoes” brings up ads for Rockport, Allbirds, Vessi, and Ortho Feet. Costs for PPC ads vary based on industry and other factors. Generally, PPC ads will be more expensive in competitive industries with higher-priced products and less costly in smaller industries and for lower-cost products.

5. Social media marketing

Marketers can use social media channels to engage with their audience and can use paid ads to promote their products or services. It’s crucial for marketers to define their social media goals, understand their audience, and identify the platforms where they will get the most engagement. For example, companies and products that appeal to a younger audience might want a strong presence on TikTok and/or Snapchat, while those with a more mature demographic might post and advertise on Facebook.

6. Content marketing

Marketers can provide useful content to their audience to address pain points and build brand awareness at the same time. Content marketing can also build domain authority (the relevance assigned to a site by search engines). Marketers can offer various forms of content, including:

  • Blog posts
  • Ebooks
  • Podcasts
  • Videos

Marketers may have opportunities to use content marketing as a lead magnet. For example, a blog post could end with an offer for a free ebook that requires a name and email address to activate the download.

7. Downloadable tools

Marketers can share valuable tools with their audience as another method for gathering names and email addresses. For example, a business that provides productivity solutions may offer a downloadable daily planner template. A corporation that sells travel packages might offer a webinar covering smart packing tips. And a personal training company might create an individualized workout starter kit.

Connect with digital marketing experts

Imaginari’s full-service marketing team can help companies analyze, develop, and strengthen their digital marketing strategies. Connect with us today to learn more about next-level digital marketing.

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